March & April events 2014
Having just completed our second psychotherapy course block of 2013/14, this seems like a good time to take stock and let you know about a few of the things coming up shortly at Tariki. Besides our psychotherapy training, there are other things going on at The Buddhist House which may be of interest so we hope we’ll see you here soon. Whatever you attend, we hope you will find a friendly, interesting and challenging group of people and enjoy the lively conversation or quiet reflection time, which so often go hand in hand here.
March 3 Ecotherapy On-Line Programme
The next unit of the Ten Directions sequence starts on March 3rd. These 21day on line units introduce aspects of the ecotherapy model through daily notes and exercises. Anyone can sign up for individual units even if you haven’t done previous ones. This month we will be focusing on Myth and Ritual and on Creative use of outdoor experience. These two themes will be woven together in the daily exercises in what promises to be a rich learning experience. The programme costs £40 as a single unit. If you are interested in ecotherapy and outdoor work, then you may also want to reserve dates in your diary for our intensive in Wales in August 2-7th. Book early to reserve a place.
March 9th Day Retreat: The Four Noble Truths.
A retreat day with Aramati looking at this core Buddhist teaching through a series of guided meditations.
March 21 Chanting evening
4.00pm-6.30pm; 7.00pm-10.00pm. An informal celebration of spiritual chanting, open to anyone who wants to give voice or listen. If you have not been before, it’s easy to join in. Arrive in our supper break if you want some help getting started, or just come any time and join us in whatever way you want. We do alternating periods of twenty minutes, sitting and walking, using a variety of chants which you can read from a sheet.
March 22 Buddhist Therapist’s Forum
This bi-monthly meeting offers a gathering point for anyone interested in the inter-face between psychotherapy and Buddhism. A meeting of people from a variety of backgrounds, we generally have a lively discussion, which carries on informally into our quiet day on the Sunday 23rdfor those staying in the house. This month we welcome David Black, a well known psychoanalyst and poet. David will be talking about dreams. All welcome. Cost £15/£10
April 4 Chanting Evening (Similar format to March 21st)
April 5-6 Women’s Retreat
A weekend for women to get together for Buddhist practice, spiritual sharing and conversation. Following on from earlier women’s retreats, this event will develop out of the shared needs of the group and will probably include plenty of silence, outdoor time, nurturing and reflective space.
April 25-27 A Weekend Retreat with Andy Paice: Being Selfless and Embracing Our ‘Selves’
The Buddhist teachings constitute a path of liberation that allow us to relax our identification with the self and to find the depth and clarity in the reality of our ‘selfless’ nature. At the same time Western Psychology has highlighted the importance of individuation and personal development. Through integrating the hidden aspects of who we are we grow as individuals. Exploring our selfless nature however is by no means an obstacle to the path of individuation. Both are necessary. This weekend retreat explores how we can develop along both trajectories towards realising the emptiness of self and the fullness of human experience. The sessions will combine periods of sitting in silent meditation with interactive sessions that explore the path of individuation through embracing our ‘subpersonalities’ or ‘inner selves’ using Voice Dialogue facilitation. Through bringing the sub-personalities to consciousness and fully identifying with them, paradoxically we are then more likely to be able to separate from them and let go of them. By letting go of them we encounter greater fluidity in life and in our practice on the cushion. Finally we will explore the connection between this inner work and our outer contribution to community, society and the planet.
Andy Paice is a former monastic of the Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. He lived in Dhagpo Kundrol Ling Monastery in the Auvergne, France from 1998 to 2007 and completed a traditional 3 year retreat there. Since leaving the monastery he has developed an interest in Western Psychology and has studied the Voice Dialogue method developed by the Jungian psychologists Hal and Sidra Stone. Andy now lives in London and works a Life Coach and facilitator. His inner practice has also led him towards working for societal change and he is currently involved in facilitating and promoting innovations in Participatory Democracy. Find him online at www.naturalinsightcoaching.com and andypaice.wordpress.com
Cost: Suggested rate £30 for retreat plus accommodation at usual rates contact [email protected] to book
In addition to these events, the weekly meditation class will continue at The Buddhist House on Tuesday evenings at 7.30. We will also continue our studies of the BCA programme on Monday evenings at 7.00. Newcomers welcome to both.
The next psychotherapy course block will be May 17-25. Applications for 2014/15 are now being accepted.