Autumn 2018 Buddhist House Programme
Tuesday nights 7.30pm - 8.30pm: Guided Meditation Class
Starting on 4 September, this class is suitable for beginners or experienced meditators and includes sitting and walking meditation and mindfulness practices. The class is followed by informal tea in the sitting room.
Friday September 14th 7.30pm – 8.30pm: Silent meditation followed by tea in the shrine room. This session is not guided so suitable for experienced meditators only.
Wednesday September 19th 7.30pm – 8.30pm: Chanting from the Heart Workshop
A beginners workshop in which we introduce some different forms of Buddhist chanting, expressing joy, compassion and gratitude and opening the heart.
Monday September 24th 7.00pm Film Night
'Kundun' - a Martin Scorsese epic based on the life of the present day Dalai Lama.
Wednesday October 3rd 7.30pm – 8.30pm: Nembutsu Chanting Workshop
A chanting workshop introducing nembutsu, the Shin Buddhist chant which calls to the measureless.
Friday October 5th 7.30pm – 8.30pm: Silent meditation followed by tea in the shrine room. This session is not guided so suitable for experienced meditators only.
Monday October 8th 7.00pm Film Night
'Rabbit Proof Fence' - the true story of 3 mixed race Aboriginal children trying to find their way back home after being forcibly taken from their families and put in an institution in the 1930s.
Wednesday October 24th 7.30pm – 8.30pm: Compassion Chanting Workshop
A chanting workshop focusing on chants that call on the Buddhas of compassion and help us to express our compassion for the world
Monday October 29th 7.00pm Film night
'Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter ... and Spring' - following the lives of a Buddhist monk and his young apprentice through the changing seasons. An exploration of the human condition.
Monday November 12th 7.00pm Film Night
'The Eagle Huntress' - the story of a 13 year old nomadic Kazakh child trying to become the first female eagle huntress in 12 generations of her family.
Wednesday November 14th 7.30pm – 8.30pm : Introduction to Buddhism
The first part of a three part introduction to Buddhist ideas and practice. Suitable for beginners and those with some knowledge.
Friday November 16th 7.30pm – 8.30pm: Silent meditation followed by tea in the shrine room. This session is not guided so suitable for experienced meditators only.
Wednesday November 21st 7.30pm – 8.30pm: Introduction to Buddhism 2
Wednesday November 28th 7.30pm – 8.30pm: Introduction to Buddhism 3
Friday November 30th
6.30pm: a short ceremony to mark Remembrance of Lost Species Day - the day when we reflect on the extinctions happening in the world at the moment.
7.30pm - 9.30pm: a Chanting Evening bringing together our different chants. This chanting evening will also offer a start to the annual winter retreat which is being held over this weekend.
Saturday-Sunday December 1st-2nd: Winter Retreat (residential)
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